Lent- Day 20 – Being Holy

Have you ever had someone mistakingly assume you were good at something when you knew you weren’t?  Perhaps that led to them asking for your advice on the subject only to leave you feeling nervous or worried or pressured to find an appropriate answer.  This is what Benedict’s phrase  ” Not to desire to be called holy before one is; but to be holy first, that one may be truly so called,” (RB 4:62) reminds me of.   The title “holy” should follow as an organic outcome of an accumulation of choices I make to set myself apart for God, not because of a job title, vocational choice or superficial perception of who I am or what I do.  True holiness is a matter of our whole being – heart and soul. I’m not sure it’s ever something that can be judged too readily from the outside…

About WalkingwithBenedict

I love how scripture comes alive with messages for our lives today. In praying with scripture, we are called into deeper relationship with God and others. We are called to the growth in love, hospitality, peace, humility, stewardship and hope. St Benedict's Rule provides a lens for how scripture can be lived in our lives today whether we live inside or outside a monastery.
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