Lent – Day 23 – Reconciliation and Prayer

(Ephesians 4:25-32/RB 4:72-73)

What stands out for me today is Prayer as a stepping stone to Reconciliation – perhaps the first step and many steps in between during the process of reconciling. This word “prayer” has so many facets as I think about my own journey. The Ephesians reading grounds reconciliation in the truth, spoken in loving kindness. For me, speaking the truth seems contrary to reconciliation when I come from the “peace at all costs” lens that I grew up with – But this peace, in my experience, is not usually the peace of Christ but some temporary, artificial lull in the action. Lately, I find myself more in turmoil and irreconciliable differences when I find the courage to speak the truth in love, even when I come to it through a process of prayer. I do recognize a different sort of peace at these times – a calming presence within that allows me to breathe – even though the external world around me might be spinning. Could this experience be the “peace of Christ”? There are times when I feel this is so.

About WalkingwithBenedict

I love how scripture comes alive with messages for our lives today. In praying with scripture, we are called into deeper relationship with God and others. We are called to the growth in love, hospitality, peace, humility, stewardship and hope. St Benedict's Rule provides a lens for how scripture can be lived in our lives today whether we live inside or outside a monastery.
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1 Response to Lent – Day 23 – Reconciliation and Prayer

  1. Sioux says:

    I am struck by the line in Scripture that says ” Do not grieve the Holy Spirirt of God, whith which you were marked with a seal for the day of redemption.” I had never thought of grieving the Holy Spirit, it always semmed that I was to rejoice in the Spirit. And so as I pondered this I became aware of how Jesus did not grieve when he died on the cross, rather he was at peace when he reconciled the world. So to for me while I might find it uncomfortable to forgive & take my challenges to another so we can reconcile…in the end all the anxiety & stepping out in peace is done in the Spirit. So the Spirit which helped lead me to & through this reconciliation event with another, does indeed bring peace to me and the world. One less person frustrated or angry or uneasy who has stopped producing un-peace into the existence of the world. And so I am a peace & calmed energy & isn’t this what Jesus is all about? BE the peace of Christ… and I can only be this peace by being in union with Christ…so I must reconcile my doubts & fears with God too!


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